Browned Chicken Breast with Voatsiperifery Wild Pepper, Eggplant Marmalade with Comté Cheese and...

Serves 4
4 chicken fillets
4 eggplants
25 cl of sunflower oil
½ L of whole milk
½ baguette of bread
80 g of grated comté cheese
Voatsiperifery pepper
Fleur de sel
Aromatic oil :
Heat the sunflower oil in a sauté pan and infuse the peppercorns in coarse grind (6 turns of the mill, grind 6) for 15 minutes. Strain. This oil perfumed with Voatsiperifery pepper will be used for all the stages of the recipe.
Eggplant Marmalade:
Wrap the eggplants, previously salted and sprinkled with Voatsiperifery pepper infused oil, in aluminum foil. Place the papillotes in the oven at 170 °C for 40 minutes, turning them halfway through cooking. Remove the skin and drain the pulp. On the stove, dry while stirring constantly. Add 4 tablespoons of Voatsiperifery Pepper flavored oil and the comté cheese. Check the seasoning.
Toasted bread milk :
Cut the bread into large pieces and dry it in the oven until it is lightly colored. At the exit of the oven, add the wild pepper Voatsiperifery (6 turns of mill, in grinding 6). Let cool. Add the milk and infuse for at least 6 hours.
Pass the bread through a fine sieve, to keep only the milk (do not hesitate to crush the bread in the sieve). Just before serving, heat the milk in a bain-marie, then emulsify it with a mixer to obtain a foam like for a cappuccino.
Chicken breast :
Sprinkle the chicken breast with Voatsiperifery wild pepper oil and marinate for at least 2 hours. Season the fillets with salt and brown them in the hot aromatic oil. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on low heat on each side to obtain a nice coloration. Leave to rest in aluminum foil.
For serving:
Arrange a spoonful of eggplant marmalade next to the sliced supreme. Top with toasted milk foam. Finish with the Voatsiperifery pepper mill, grind 3.